



        三明方品城家具有限公司,坐落美麗的清流縣嵩溪鎮金星工業(yè)園。占地45畝,建筑面積3萬(wàn)多平方米,其中生產(chǎn)車(chē)間28000多平方米,其余的辦公樓、后勤保障設施4000多平方米。所有生產(chǎn)車(chē)間按國家標準ISO9002設計,經(jīng)國家有關(guān)部門(mén)驗收合格的工業(yè)化標準生產(chǎn)廠(chǎng)房,公司以生產(chǎn)家具出口為主,遠銷(xiāo)歐美。本公司自營(yíng)、自產(chǎn)、自銷(xiāo)形成一條龍服務(wù),把產(chǎn)品保質(zhì)保量送到客戶(hù)手中。公司始終堅持以 “創(chuàng )一流企業(yè)、一流產(chǎn)品、一流信譽(yù)、一流服務(wù)” 的企業(yè)目標為己任。



         FangPin Sanming City Furniture Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Jinxing Industrial Park, Songxi Town, Qingliu County.  It covers an area of ??45 acres, with a construction area of ??more than 30,000 square meters, including more than 28,000 square meters of production workshops, and more than 4,000 square meters of office buildings space and logistics support facilities.  All production workshops are designed according to the national standard of 1S09002, and the industrialized standard production workshops have passed the inspection and acceptance of relevant national government departments. Company mainly produces furniture for export, and is exported to Europe and the United States.  The company's self-management, self-production and self-sale form a one-stop service, and deliver the products to the customers with guaranteed quality and quantity.  Company always adheres of creating first-class enterprises, first-class products, first-class reputation and first-class service" as our own whole industry main goal.

        Company currently have 2 plank production lines (PB, MDF, Plywood), 2 solid wood rotary cutting lines, and 1 solid wood furniture production line, upholstered furniture production line, metal furniture production line, 2 laser cutting lines, 1 powder spraying and paint line with a length of 600 meters, more than 30 punching machines, 8 manipulators (automatic welding) and other equipment.  The sewing workshop is equipped with automatic auxiliary assembly line, automatic cutting machine and other equipment.

        Company will be based in Qingliu County for 50 years, adhere to the development idea of ??"internationalization, scale, and industrialization", and devote itself to scientific management system, smooth marketing channels and the excavation and training of high-quality talents, laying the foundation for the company to become bigger and stronger.  Strict supervision on production equipment, technology and production raw materials.  To make each product better, ornamental and usable.



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